In My Defense - Steam "Coming soon" page

The game now has a "coming soon" steam page:  Steam page

Changes to the game since my last update:

  • The waves have been completed. The structure of the game is now complete.
  • Added the ships computer voice, called Defensa. Defensa is played by a voice-over actress. She warns you of danger, informs you when you run over a power-up, and comments on events.
  • Music soundtrack has been added to the game. It is 6+ songs that were composed exclusively for the game.
  • Two new power-ups- Speed Boost and Guided Missiles.
  • New enemy- Shielder- absorbs your weapons. Has to be destroyed from behind
  • New enemy- Creeper- vines that creep to your base and attack it. Must be fully destroyed or it will just grow back.
  • New enemy- PowerDown- slow moving enemy that hunts your powerups. Can use them against you.
  • New Boss- second boss added to the game. It is at the end of the trailer.
  • Improved graphics on ships and AI ships. Minor graphical improvements on a few enemies.
  • Improved menus and gamepad support to menus.
  • Added achievements and other steam functions.
  • Added credits and leaderboard pages.

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